Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life of Brian

This week, I got the number 166 from the random number generator, and that corresponds Life of Brian. This movie was made by the immensely famous comedy group, Monty Python. My dad was a HUGE fan of Monty Python, so I was pretty excited, since I'd never seen any of their work. All I really knew about them was that their works are very inappropriate.

The hilarious final scene.
And boy was The Life of Brian inappropriate. The film follows Brian, who was born on the Original Christmas, and is mistaken for Jesus his entire life. This results in hilarious situations when he gains a following he doesn't desire. Every time he attempts to rid himself of his parish, so to speak, they find various miracles and signs that they interpret as more important than his actual words.

This movie is obviously not for those who can be easily offended in their religious beliefs. I believe in God, or more I believe that the sheer unlikeliness of our lives would require some type of creator, and I perceive that creator as God. I'm not super religious, I sometimes pray and occasionally read the Bible (the armchair preacher), but am not a fundamentalist by any means. I don't take the Bible as pure fact. With that said, anyone who is extremely religious will be offended immediately at the start of this film, and probably all the way through. I found the antics of the characters to be so ridiculous that it was hilarious. But that's me, and I'm not super religious. I can see why people would be offended, sympathize with that, and would urge them not to watch Life of Brian.

As I said, Life of Brian is so ridiculous I couldn't help but laugh. With characters like Biggus Dickus, who has a horrible lisp, or the final song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," played while many characters are being crucified, you can't take this movie seriously. And as long as you see it how it really is, a comedy trying to be as silly as possible, you'll have as good of a time as I did.

Worth your time, if you're not super religious.

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen any Monty Python, but from your description of this movie and what I have heard about their others, it definitely seems like they go for the most ridiculous plot possible. The sheer ridiculousness would probably make me laugh too, but that's taking in mind of course that I would not be thinking of the movie as if it were happening in real life. I don't want to seem like a horrible person for laughing at something that a lot of people could take more seriously, but in a way, it reminds me of memes where a lot of the humor comes from relating to certain feelings (maybe Brian's frustration when people refuse to stop following him).
